KLG becomes Perennial partner

At the beginning of July, Kingston Landscape Group joined forces with the Perennial and became a perennial partner! Perennial are the UK’s only charity dedicated to helping people who work in horticulture when times get tough. They provide free and confidential advice, support and financial assistance to people of all ages working in, or retired […]

KLG takes home Supreme win at APL awards!

Kingston Landscape Group won three APL awards for the Streatham Hill project. The triple win included the most sought-after APL award, the Supreme Winner! The judges’ described the project as “a comprehensive landscape treatment with a creative use of planters, Corten steel and beautiful soft landscaping. The composition of the space made it feel like […]

KLG Wins 2 BALI Awards!

We are excited to announce that we have won 2 BALI Awards in 2018 for our work at Streatham Hill and Colindale Gardens. We look forward to attending the BALI Gala dinner in December where the principal winner will be announced! Congratulations and good luck to all other BALI award winners.

Our goal for 100% recycling

Old flower pots being recycled into new pots Working towards our target of 100% recycling of materials, we have finally found a contractor who will take our plant pots for recycling. He’s so special to us that we won’t tell you his name. All our used stock is now being collected regularly.  Here’s the first […]

KLG Donate a Therapy Garden

Our MD Steve Evans drives past the hospital every day on his way to work and he felt the neglected space outside the unit could be transformed into a garden that could benefit patients during their stay. “We create beautiful gardens and communal spaces every day for our clients. I felt it was time we gave something […]